It will be sold before I can save for it. Goodbye sweet dining set. We could have had such a nice time.
There is more to be found on the list than cheap furniture, though. There is entertainment. For instance, today I will share some of the photos that made me just shake my head in wonder, because if you are taking a picture of an item you are going to sell, that picture says a lot. You want the item to look its best, to reflect its possible worth as an addition to a new home. Sort of like brushing out the puppies before you put them in a box that says "free!" SO I am amused and bemused by photos like this:

Look! Under all the garbage there is a table for sale. The photo represents how the table will look when it is part of your real life. Well, if your real life is messy and clueless, that is.

"Honey, clean off the dresser before you take the picture for craigslist"
"I did"
This ad read "my roommate moved out and left this mattress":

Uh, it looks like your roommate left something IN the mattress. I'll pass.

Found the remote!
Now, I'm not sure what condition this mattress is in, but I know this person obeys the laws!

And proud to show ya!
You, too, can have this chair to throw your shirt on!

Now that may be a throw, which would be even sadder than a shirt, actually.
Hot water tank? Shelf? Cooler? Pick the item for sale:

But this is my favorite. If you can't tidy, use the crop tool. people!

OK, that was fun. Something to do with the morning coffee. Now it is studio time. Have to take Mom to the Doctor today. Her appointment is at 3:30, but she wants to leave at 2 because she has to go to the bank first. Both destinations are less than a mile from her house. It's going to be a long afternoon.
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