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Thursday, December 27

sidestepping the cliches

It would be easy to draw a Christmas story replete with imagery of the miracle baby and gathering of wise guys and making do before the manger was put together but I won't.

We came together at the home of my son and his wife to celebrate the Holiday and to enjoy the new baby. And we did. There wasn't time or room for a tree, (the baby's furniture hunkered in a corner of the living room while her room was being painted)  so I wired together bunches  and swags of greenery and decorated doors and windows and the mantle. Gifts were piled on the hearth. It was pretty cool, actually.

 I was there for 2 weeks before Christmas, Russell and the other grandparents arrived on the 23rd. But before that, I had quiet time with my granddaughter. Holding her for the first time was a heart quake.

She gained almost 2 pounds in 3 weeks and she will never again be as tiny as she was in this picture.

On Christmas Eve and Christmas day we had one baby, 2 parents, 4 grand parents and 5 dogs. It was glorious. Billy and Leisha tormented me with Christmas carol parodies from shows like South Park and I still find myself  softly singing "Ding, fries are done" as I putter around the house. They will pay for this. 

We left for home right after Christmas dinner, deciding to beat the coming snow storm by outrunning it. It worked. We got home at 5 am under an oddly pink night sky, napped, ran for food and then hunkered down to enjoy the feeling of being trapped in a snow globe, kept warm by a fire, some quilts and new memories.

Heavenly peace, indeed.

1 comment:

Joanne Noragon said...

A beautiful baby. Enjoy the snow globe, it's beautiful, too.