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Saturday, September 6


So, we left Nate in Laramie and spent the night in Rawlins. Nate told us the route to Pinedale where we were to meet up with Kate, but warned us that the road was pretty boring for the 1st 50 miles or so. Guess it's a matter of perspective.

We got there early, many hours before we were to meet up with Kate and her folks for dinner. What was there to do, we asked her and she recommended Half Moon Lake. Yes, Jake did wind up swimming there and it was a great place, but we missed it at first, driving up and up a winding road with many scenic pullovers and stands of birches along the rocky edges

but no signage and no clues about where we were heading. Thank God, because had we made the right turn, we would have missed this

and this

and sometimes a missed turn leads you somewhere so astonishingly beautiful that all you can do is just open your heart and stand perfectly still and let it in.

You could let a moment like that make you feel small and insignificant or you can be thankful for the gift. Perspective.

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